Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Early this year, I read a book by Gene Stallings, famed former football coach of the University of Alabama.

It was through that book that I learned about the RISE program, started in 1974 to offer services like PT, OT, ST, and music therapy to young children with varying diagnoses or suspected disabilities.

I thought it was pretty cool and recall, at the time, wishing that we had a program like that for Playette to thrive in.

Fast forward to our last IFSP meeting. There I was, shocked that so many people were in attendance at our little ole meeting about a not-even-two-year-old. The Service Blocker, her boss, the person in charge of local Special Education issues, the OT, PT, a random ST I'd never met before, the Psychologist and...wait. Who invited the daycare director and this other lady who looks vaguely familiar?

Oh, I was angry to say the least. Before it actually took place, I joked about needing the Staples Center to hold everyone, but I didn't realize then how right I was. It reminded me of our 30 guest wedding that somehow more than double in size. Neither was our choice.

Anyway, so there was one good thing that came of that meeting. As we went around the table for introductions, I was introduced to the vaguely familiar Ms. K. She was to be Playette's new teacher in the toddler room.

She told me then that she used to work at RISE in Alabama.

And I was thrilled.

Since then, Playette has, in fact, thrived in her new environment. Sure, I sometimes have thoughts of checking the IDs of some of the two-year-olds because they just tower over my baby, but it's working out great. She's holding her own.

And I just felt like sharing.


sheree said...

how cool is that?!!

Cate said...

that is really cool! I've been meaning to read that.

ha! on checking the IDs. Abby's class has a height chart on the wall and she's way shorter than everyone. Her little line is all by itself. Funny.