Tuesday, July 24, 2012

End of Week 2

It feels like I say this over and over and over again, but...we've been busy!

We got home Sunday night from a 10-day whirlwind of visiting friends and family, house hunting, and attending the 40th National Down Syndrome Congress Convention.

I was grateful that when I weighed-in on Wednesday, in another state, after eating out for almost every meal, that I broke even. This week, I may not be so fortunate, as the weekend was filled with lots of "relax and enjoy it" moments when it came to food. Oh, well.

But I did fulfill my activity commitments, albeit in a different order than intended. I was even fortunate enough to meet a new friend and, together, we ran in a DC downpour, complete with a shocking moment of getting totally drenched by a car speeding through standing water on a bridge.

Fun, right?

At least it wasn't hot out.

Last week was challenging, no doubt. But I proved to myself that I could stop making excuses. I ran/walked all three times for Week 6 of C25K and I completed the last three days of Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred.

I did it outside in the heat and inside on a treadmill. Sometimes I had the luxury of a DVD player with TV and a yoga mat and others I used the laptop and put a raggedy hotel towel on the nasty Navy Lodge carpet *puke*. I even remembered to bring my weights.

My point is: It wasn't always comfortable.

But I did it.

This week: More of the same. On to Level 2 of 30 Day Shred and Week 7 of C25K. I won't post the days because it's Tuesday and I've already switched some things up. No worries. I'll get it in.


Molly said...

yayyy! I got to meet you and it was AWESOME. Also, you make absurdly cute babies.