Thursday, August 2, 2012

About Week 3...

Ok, so before it becomes time to talk about Week 4, I should address this.

It was a difficult week. (Not as rough as this one, but I'm getting ahead of myself.)

I still got in my three runs, but I fell one workout short on 30DS. I realized that on Sunday, as we were heading out to spend some time with friends one last time before moving. By the time we got home, even I, queen of the late night workout, couldn't eek one out.

And then Monday came and instead of squeezing in an extra, I accidentally let the movers pack my weights. I didn't think to pull them from the office until it was too late. womp, womp

I vow to pick up where I left off though.

We are officially no longer residents of of the old place and once we're settled in the new place, I will plan out some routes to run and clear a space in the basement for my mat so that Jillian can work her evil magic on me again.

I'm not giving up.