Friday, April 1, 2011

Hardy Har Har

So, I just put Playette on the bus to school.

The aide was all excited and said to me, "Yesterday, when we were on the bus, [Playette] told me, 'Good morning, Ms. Toni. How are you doing today?'"

My jaw dropped. Wow. That's FANTASTIC use of speech and something that I just haven't heard yet from my daughter.

I mean, she knows all of those things, but to string them together like that? Huge.

Just as I'm letting this all sink in and already trying to think of ways that we can get her to do this with people other than just Ms. Toni, the laughing started.


"I've been getting all the parents with this today! HAHAHAHA!"



Tell the parents of children with speech delays, and varying other disabilities, that their kids can speak...and well!

God, these people suck.


I've still been struggling with the private preschool thing, which is why I haven't shared the verdict.

But, well, this definitely adds one to the "Pro" column.


Cate said...

I would complain to someone. That's crossing a line. Inappropriate AND cruel.

Michelle said...

I agree with Cate; that is crossing the line. It's not funny at all when a child has known speech delays. You don't make an April Fool's like that. Awful.

Me said...

Wow....that is terribly inappropriate! I really have no words. I think I would complain as well.

The Sanchez Family said...

oh my gosh....wrong wrong wrong wrong...

Michelle Z said...

ohhhh, OUCH. That's harsh :( and so not funny!

Ty said...

It's okay for a woman to slap a woman! Was just my first reaction but probably not the best.

krlr said...

I'm going to repeat what Cate said too: inappropriate and cruel. The line she passed was 6 states back. PLEASE complain to someone.

Lisa said...

eff that. seriously. totally unacceptable. a verbal ass-whooping comes to mind. only because the physical kind would put your ass behind bars and that wouldn't be good for Playette or BD (or you - but I know you could hold your own).

Roo's Mom said...

Awful! I would complain to her supervisor too. Just not acceptable. It's so very difficult to find a good school for our kids (for all our kids). When Roo started preschool at age 3, I placed her in the same school my older ("typical") one had attended. The director told me she absolutely wanted her there and they were eager to work with her. She made it 1 month. I pulled her because the lead teacher in the classroom was not prepared or "eager" to work with my child. When I met her at a parents meeting at the beginning of the year, she looked me in the eyes and said, "When I heard you were coming, I went to the director and told her, I do not have a special ed background." That told me we would be off to a great start (NOT!). The kids liked Roo and several of the parents told me in private they were happy to have her there, but without the support of the teacher there was no way to make it work. The next year she went to an inclusive Montessori preschool and had a much better experience. Hoping your experience is positive!

Becca said...

Omg, that is sooooo not funny. Offensive, really. I hope you tell someone - that was completely inappropriate and the aide should be reprimanded and given sensitivity training.

Lisa said...

I'm speechless. Wow. What is wrong with people?

Brandie said...

Whoa. How can people be such jerks?

Ila Brook said...

Okay. I'm having to take a deep breath and calm down here a minute before continuing with my post. That is wrong on sooo many levels. And my guess is she said all this in front of Playette. That is BEYOND horrid!! And another guess is, the driver HAS NO IDEA 1. that it was offensive or 2. why it was offensive. A complaint was made at SEAC several months ago about the horrendous bus services in this district- particularly related to the buses for children with special needs (hello?!? a separate bus!?!?). Anyway, I didn't think SEAC got very far but it is well known within the parental community that the service SUCKS! I am very, very sorry this happened to you and Playette. Grrr. I can't tell you how happy I am we will not have to deal with this school system much longer

Jennifer Horner said...
14 Crystal, you cannot let this go. Wow. This person told you to your face that she not only said this to you, but a bunch of other parents. She should be fired!

Karly said...

Ditto what Cate said. Not okay. Not at all.

JB said...

I am an administrator at a school for special needs students. If I found out that this happened to parents at my school I would raise holy hell. This is not okay. Please tell the principal and call the head of transportation. This has nothing to do with your having thick skin. The people who work with your daughter should respect her regardless of how many chromosomes she has.

Not a Perfect Mom said...

OMG-what a bitch..I would have ripped her a new one and smacked her...
okay, maybe not the smack, but I would have let her know how inappropriate that was...
I'm so sorry...please complain to someone about that...

Anna said...

I am reading all the blog posts from being out of town and had to re-read this several times. My brain cannot process that this actually happened. She needs to loose her job over this. Just over the top of the list of unacceptable. If you dont, tell me where to go and I am in the car and on the way......

rastagalnj said...

I'm am horrified! My face and heart smiled as I read this post, I was overjoyed only to read the ending. How cruel, I want to cry because I know how you must have felt. Is there no end to the insensitivity of people???

AZ Chapman said...

this is not right hugs crystal

Bethany said...

OMG WHAT is wrong with people. Seriously. This is wrong on sooo many levels!!

Cindy said...

This is so wrong and so not funny! I am speechless and sorry you had to hear it firsthand. :(