I've talked before about the 15-30 minute per day struggle that is combing Playette's hair. As well as what it looks like when I don't.
I came across these recent photos and found the expressions on her face simply classic.
Don't worry. No toddlers were harmed in the creation of these photos. Which were taken in an airport. Because I was desperate.
(She is so dramatic.)
(I didn't even get to the back. But at least my cornrows are improving!)

I love the range of emotions. It goes from 'yay! photos!' to "OW mom you are KILLING ME!"
Also I'm pretty sure I made very similar faces when my mom did my hair. I had butt length curls. It caused much unhappiness.
At least you didn't lock your knees and pop her with the brush. And where is your cup of water and jar of grease?
She's so stinkin' cute.
She. Is. A. Doll.
Can she come live with me?
want to help w vince's hair?
These are awesome photos..capturing the moment..love the facial expressions. She is too cute and has beautiful hair. :)
Malea is too funny! Hats off to you for doing all that to a two year old. I'm cringing even thinking about it. Gabby is hard enough with her one little side pony. lol
HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I know one day I will face that same experience... Gary wants to grow Sheridan's hair our. And don't even get me started about my braiding skills... I have NONE.
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