I can't watch these or else I know that they'd never get posted because I'd pick them apart forever and end up writing myself a script instead and then that would take too long so I'd end up forgetting altogether and...yeah.
BTW, I did these on my phone. You may need to tweak the volume some. I was working my

I miss you! This was fun, hearing your voice -- see you soon!! :)
Love it! You are so cute! Thanks for posting these, it's always fun to put a face to the writing.
I think the video blogging was a brilliant idea!! Glad your camerman stuck around for a while. :-) About the school thing...ugh. You're in PA, right? What county? I know another blogger in Montgomery who has a 4 yr. old in preschool...
Samantha is about to head into Kindergarten next month - I know it doesn't help to mention this, but I suspect that the fight is only just beginning. I hate to talk about everything in terms of a "fight," but that's honestly what it becomes. We are so committed to our children and to see that county and state governments aren't, but we are forced to rely on them for so much, is so frustrating.
great videos sorry about the school system. One of the great quotes that comes to mind after hearing the school system Is we are babtist we will tear this place apart
Okay, so far I've only watched the first video, but here are my thoughts:
--I can't believe the teacher used the R-word.
--I love your presentation of a sweet exterior with the fierce plans in the making.
--We're having our first IEP this summer, so I don't have any lived experience, but I've heard if you bring a lawyer with you, everything changes.
--You have a great voice!
these are great! love. can't wait to see you very soon.
Fun! The videos, not the school system. How incredibly frustrating. I don't have any ideas, just encouragement. YOU know where your daughter will thrive the most. Go get'em!
Fierce! I loved the whole video component. Really changes the blog up! Yep they will wish they never crossed you, makes me proud!
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