I believe that, over the past four weeks, the question I've most frequently been asked is, "How is Playette adjusting to being a big sister?" or some version thereof.
The last time I posted, she was still a little iffy about him.
At first, if asked, she would say that she didn't want to hold him. I have some pictures of her first meeting with him, but I haven't the brain power to upload them from the camera quite yet. The scene went a little like this: Playette arrived with her friend, escorted by her friend's mom (who so graciously agreed to watch our child while I was in the hospital for much longer than I had ever planned). The girls were super cute, dolled up in dresses and matching hair bows. They were ready for a special occasion. But what did Playette do? Well, she acknowledged that there was a baby, but that was about it. The girls were much more interested in chasing each other around the curtain that surrounded my room door. When they left, Playette said goodbye to my belly, not the baby.
After the first week, she made a switch. I guess she figured that he wasn't going anywhere and perhaps she should get with the program. She added a couple of phrases to her lexicon. "S'alright, baby." "S'ok." But he still kinda intimidated her. (Not that I could blame her.)
Check out when she tried to give him a hug two weeks ago:
Since then, she has come around. Way around. She wants to protect him, hold him, feed him (ahem, not with a bottle), hug him, kiss him, push his swing (totally not necessary), change him, show him off. ALL. THE. TIME. A little Elmyra-esque. New phrase: "What's wrong, Dez?" in a little sing-songy voice
This was last week:
When I picked her up from school on Friday, one of the teachers told me how impressed she was with whatever we've been teaching Playette at home. Apparently, she is very attentive to the dolls, even moreso than before. I asked if she's been trying to breastfeed them and she hasn't...yet.
Overall, she's a happy big sister.
And other than her taking certain liberties with his umbilical cord stump two weeks ago, I'm pretty pleased with her showing, too.

Thank you, thank you, for this HUGE smile on my face this morning. Omg, they are just soooooo adorable together!! She's an awesome big sis!
Love, love, love it! Reminds me a lot of Kayla when Lucas was born :) Can't wait to see all 4 of you in DC!
Love the pictures of the children.I am happy to see everyone doing well.
I'm am laughing my butt off! Those videos remind me so much of Vivian when Tommy came home. So stink in' cute!!! Can't wait to see all of you in DC too!
DC? I'll be in DC!! I have total dibbs on babysitting!!!
So sweet. I am glad you have the mind to catch it on video. It is priceless.
Obviously I've got some catching up to do! I read your old blog, fell out of touch and now you've gone and added another bundle of joy to your family. Congratulations and continued blessings!
Nicee blog thanks for posting
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